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Obnovitelné zdroje zaměstnají 7,7 milionu lidí na celém světě

21.05.2015 08:00

Z aktuální studie Mezinárodní agentury pro obnovitelné zdroje (IRENA) vyplývá, že obnovitelné zdroje zaměstnaly v loňském roce 7,7 milionu lidí. Počet pracovních míst v obnovitelné energetice vzrostl oproti roku 2013 o 1,2 milionu. Největšími zaměstnavateli v šetrné energetice jsou Čína, Brazílie, Spojené státy, Indie, Německo, Indonésie, Japonska, Francie, Bangladéš a Kolumbie.

Nejvíce pracovních míst v sektoru šetrné energetiky vytváří solární energetika (až 2,5 milionu lidí), agropaliva (1,8 milionu lidí), větrná energetika (přes 1 milion lidí) a biomasa (0,82 milionu lidí). Výsledky studie nejsou potěšující pro Evropskou unii, kde vznik pracovních míst v šetrné energetice stagnuje. 





Select report findings:

  • Solar PV is the largest renewable energy employer with 2.5 million jobs worldwide, up from 2.3 million at last count.
  • Wind employment passed the one million jobs mark, up from 834,000 at last count.
  • Liquid biofuels (roughly 1.8 million, up from 1.45 million), modern biomass (822,000, up from 782,000) and biogas (381,000, up from 264,000) are also major employers, with jobs concentrated in feedstock supply.
  • China is the world's largest renewable energy employer with 3.4 million jobs. China leads global employment in solar PV, wind, solar heating and cooling, small and large hydropower, biomass and biogas.
  • Brazil is the leading employer in biofuels with 845,000 jobs. Its wind industry is also growing rapidly with employment increasing 12 per cent to 35,800 from last count. Wind power capacity has expanded from one GW in 2010 to nearly six GW in 2014 and could reach 16.5 GW in 2019.
  • In the United States, total solar employment surged 22 per cent from 142,700 to 173,800 and overall wind jobs increased 43 per cent since last count to 73,000. Data also finds that employment of women in the solar industry is on the rise, increasing from 26,700 to 37,500.
  • In India, if the government reaches its goal of installing 100 GW of solar PV and 60 GW of wind, it will generate more than 1 million jobs by 2022.
  • Germany is the leading renewable energy employer in Europe with 371,400 jobs. German wind capacity expanded 5.3 GW in 2014, the second highest addition after China.
  • France saw a job reduction of 4 per cent since last count, but still leads Europe in biomass, ground source heat pumps and biofuels employment.

elect report findings:

  • Solar PV is the largest renewable energy employer with 2.5 million jobs worldwide, up from 2.3 million at last count.
  • Wind employment passed the one million jobs mark, up from 834,000 at last count.
  • Liquid biofuels (roughly 1.8 million, up from 1.45 million), modern biomass (822,000, up from 782,000) and biogas (381,000, up from 264,000) are also major employers, with jobs concentrated in feedstock supply.
  • China is the world's largest renewable energy employer with 3.4 million jobs. China leads global employment in solar PV, wind, solar heating and cooling, small and large hydropower, biomass and biogas.
  • Brazil is the leading employer in biofuels with 845,000 jobs. Its wind industry is also growing rapidly with employment increasing 12 per cent to 35,800 from last count. Wind power capacity has expanded from one GW in 2010 to nearly six GW in 2014 and could reach 16.5 GW in 2019.
  • In the United States, total solar employment surged 22 per cent from 142,700 to 173,800 and overall wind jobs increased 43 per cent since last count to 73,000. Data also finds that employment of women in the solar industry is on the rise, increasing from 26,700 to 37,500.
  • In India, if the government reaches its goal of installing 100 GW of solar PV and 60 GW of wind, it will generate more than 1 million jobs by 2022.
  • Germany is the leading renewable energy employer in Europe with 371,400 jobs. German wind capacity expanded 5.3 GW in 2014, the second highest addition after China.
  • France saw a job reduction of 4 per cent since last count, but still leads Europe in biomass, ground source heat pumps and biofuels employment.
- See more at: https://www.irena.org/News/Description.aspx?NType=A&mnu=cat&PriMenuID=16&CatID=84&News_ID=407#sthash.7bHcUqxj.dpuf


Ke stažení:

The full Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2015


Download audio/video soundbites with IRENA Director General Adnan Z. Amin

Download the full Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2015

- See more at: https://www.irena.org/News/Description.aspx?NType=A&mnu=cat&PriMenuID=16&CatID=84&News_ID=407#sthash.7bHcUqxj.dpuf

Download audio/video soundbites with IRENA Director General Adnan Z. Amin

Download the full Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2015

- See more at: https://www.irena.org/News/Description.aspx?NType=A&mnu=cat&PriMenuID=16&CatID=84&News_ID=407#sthash.7bHcUqxj.dpuf

Download audio/video soundbites with IRENA Director General Adnan Z. Amin

Download the full Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2015

- See more at: https://www.irena.org/News/Description.aspx?NType=A&mnu=cat&PriMenuID=16&CatID=84&News_ID=407#sthash.7bHcUqxj.dpuf

Zdroj: E15, IRENA