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Emissions trading: 2014 data shows emissions reduction

18.05.2015 15:43

Evropská komise dne vydala zprávu, která uvádí, že emise skleníkových plynů ze zařízení spadajících do systému EU pro obchodování s emisními povolenkami (EU ETS) klesly v loňském roce o 4,5 %. Komisař pro oblast klimatu a energetiky Miguel Arias Cañete uvedl, že to je jasný důkaz toho, že hospodářský růst může jít ruku v ruce s opatřeními na ochranu klimatu. Kromě toho se podařilo i mírně snížit souhrnný přebytek povolenek emisí skleníkových plynů, a to z 2,1 mld. na 2,07 mld. v roce 2014. Do systému EU ETS spadá 99% zařízení na území EU produkujících emise. 


Zdroj: CEBRE


Emissions of greenhouse gases from installations participating in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) are estimated to have decreased by about 4.5% last year, according to the information recorded in the Union Registry.

European Commissioner responsible for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete said: "Even while our economies are getting back in the growth track, emissions continue to decrease. This once again shows that economic growth and climate protection can go hand in hand. This sends a powerful signal ahead of the new global climate deal to be agreed in Paris this December: carbon markets deliver cost-effective reductions. At the same time, the recession continues to have a lasting impact on our carbon market. I therefore warmly welcome the ambitious political deal on the Market Stability Reserve agreed by the Parliament and the Council very recently".


Back-loading stabilises surplus

The cumulative surplus in emission allowances has been slightly reduced from around 2.1 billion to some 2.07 billion for the 2014 compliance year.


High level of compliance

Companies' level of compliance with the EU ETS rules was again high. Less than 1% of the installations which reported emissions for 2014 did not surrender allowances covering all their emissions by the deadline of 30 April 2015.


Airlines report 2013 and 2014 emissions

Airlines that operated intra-European activities covered by the Directive during 2013 and 2014 were required to report emissions for both years, and surrender corresponding allowances by 30 April 2015. Verified CO2 emissions from aviation activities carried out between airports located in the EEA amounted to 54.9 million tonnes of CO2 in 2014, an increase of 2.8% compared to 53.4 million tonnes of CO2 in 2013. 


Další informace:

Emissions trading: 2014 data shows emissions reduction


Související článek:

Emise skleníkových plynů v systému EU ETS poklesly na historicky nejnižší úroveň (ČR)