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XVIII year of the international conference "Accounting and reporting of sustainable development" takes place on October 6 and 7, 2022, as an accompanying program of the International Engineering Fair. It is focused on current issues of sustainable development, voluntary approaches to achieving sustainable development goals, project results, case studies and discussion of practical experiences and research.
Ministry of the Environment, Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development and Czech Environment Management Center.BASIC INFORMATION:
Venue: The conference will be held at the Administration building (high-rise building to the left of the main entrance), Room 102, (Výstaviště 405/1, 647 00 Brno-Pisárky).
Conference program:
The conference is divided into two days:
- The first day (6 October, 2022) will be held lectures (see conference program).
- The second day (7 October, 2022) is intended visiting exhibition, which is conceived individually.
Conference program | 6 October, 2022 |
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. | Attendance of participants |
9.00 – 9:15 a.m. | Introduction RNDr. Libor Ambrozek, advisor to the Minister of the Environment. Ing. Peter J. Kalaš, President of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development. |
9.15 – 10.15 a.m. | 1st block of lectures – Indicators of sustainable development Ing. Tomáš Severa, Ministry of Finance – Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on reporting on sustainability. Kateřina Bohuslavová, ČEZ Group ESG director – Experience with the ESG agenda in the ČEZ Group. Zuzana Holá, director of communication and sustainability Vodafone – Vodafone Czech Republic: Sustainable business management system and transparency. |
10.15 – 10.45 a.m. | Break |
10.45 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. | 2nd block of lectures – Practical experience with non-financial reporting Ing. Pavlína Mildnerová, Ing. Adéla Hrubešová, Czech Statistical Office – Indicators of sustainable development, ecosystem accounting. M.Sc. Bc. Richard Juřík, Ministry of the Environment – Assessment of the impact of energy and climate policies FF55 on the Czech Republic. Ing. Stanislav Burian, Ph.D., Czech National Bank – Sustainability Disclosure Regulations in the Financial Services Industry (SFDR). Julian Toth, COO, International Sustainable Finance Center (ISFC) – DNSH app project for ministries. Doc. Ing. Miroslav Hájek, Ph.D., Platform for the bioeconomy of the Czech Republic – CEE2ACT project, funded under the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program. |
12.30 – 1.30 p.m. | Lunch break |
1.30 – 2.45 p.m. | 3rd block of lectures – Results of impact assessment studies RNDr. Miloš Kužvart, executive director of the Czech Association of Circular Economy – Circular Economy in the Age of Growing Economic Crisis. Ing. Libor Ansorge, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Research and Professional Activities, Mgr. Lada Stejskalová, T. G. Masaryk Water Management Research Institute, v. v. i. – Environmental accounting and water footprint – examples of bad practice. Ing. Andreas Nikodemus, Diana Carolina Huertas Bernal, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Funding mechanisms for climate change adaptation actions in the context of forest ecosystem services in Southern Africa. Ratna Chrismiari Purwestri, Ph.D., Sandra Paola García-Jácome, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Forest vegetation area evolution and the implications for non-wood forest provisioning services in the Czech Republic. |
2.45 – 3.15 p.m. | Break |
15.15 – 17.00 p.m. | 4th block of lectures – Research results Ing. Pavel Růžička, ENVIROS – Carbon footprint of an industrial enterprise. Ing. Marek Hekrle; Ing. Jan Macháč, Ph.D., Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy, J.E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem – Blue Green Cities: Examples of adaptation measures in the Czech Republic and their economic evaluation. Ing. Tomáš Zapletal, Ph.D. et Ph.D., prof. Ing. Petr Šauer, CSc., University of Economics in Prague – Sustainable trout fishing in the Czech Republic. Stephen Awuni, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Assessment of the perceptions of the impact of invasive aquatic weeds on socio-economic activities and their management on two major water bodies in Ghana. Other contributions will be placed in the conference proceedings. |
17.00 p.m. | Discusion |
It is possible in the immediate vicinity of the exhibition center at the university dormitories of Masaryk University – former hotel GARNI, now B&B HOTEL UNIVERSITY BRNO, Vinařská 5, Brno, Block A3, next to the Faculty of Economics and Administration (from the train and bus station get off at the Lipová station, cross the road and up the hill about 150 m on the right side there is a university and university dormitories) and each participant orders accommodation and pays for it himself. Accommodation is not part of the deposit and must be arranged directly with the accommodation facility.
Accommodation prices:
1121,- CZK / night for a single room and 1 392,- CZK / night for a double room and 1 620,- CZK/night for triple room incl. breakfast.
A single room will be automatically provided when ordering. If you are interested in accommodation in a double room or triple room, it is necessary to report the name of the co-partner when confirming your participation.
Contact for reservation:
Mgr. Bc. Radana Melcherová, tel.:+420 549 492 705, e-mail: melcherova@skm.muni.cz.
Parking: you can park directly in the campus.
Individual transport to the venue
From the direction of Prague, Ostrava, Bratislava on the highway, BVV is well marked
Parking at the conference venue
Charged, it is possible in the open area in front of the main entrance, or pavilion P and Z or in the parking house in front of pavilion E.
Opening hours of the exhibition center:
6 - 8 October 2021 8:00–19:00
Access to the conference venue:
Main entrance (entrance 1) - public transport stop "Výstaviště - main entrance, high-rise building, room no. 102 (tram no. 1, bus no. 52, trolleybuses 25, 26 and 37).
Publication of professional articles is possible in journals:
- Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica (SAB), https://sab.czu.cz/en/ (SCOPUS)
- Water Management Technical and Economic Information (VTEI), https://www.vtei.cz/ (professional peer-reviewed journal)
- Wasteforum - professional peer-reviewed journal of R&D in the field of waste and environment https://www.wasteforum.cz (SCOPUS)
![]() Ing. Jiří Študent Tel.: +420 602 617 614 e-mail: student@cemc.cz |
![]() Doc. Ing. Miroslav Hájek, Ph.D.
Preparatory Committee:
Scientific board:
Guidelines for the Extended Sustainable Abstract Conference Conference:
Text in MS Word text editor (doc or docx version).
Font type: Times New Roman, single spacing, justification to block.
Page Setup: All 2.5 cm margins.
Title of the paper: Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centered, capital letters.
Author identification: name, surname, titles, Times New Roman font, size 12, bold, center.
Skip one line between title and author name, omit two lines between author ID and text.
Text: Times New Roman font, size 12, justification to block, single spacing, spacing 6 b.
For the title of the table and graph of chart, include:
Table 1 Table Name
Chart 1 Chart title
Figure 1 Figure title
We recommend the Harvard style of quotation (including tables, graphs and pictures) – e.g. (Hájek, 2017). At the end of the article, include a complete list of literature according to ISO 690, e.g.:
KOTLER, Philip and ARMSTRONG, Gary. Principles of Marketing. 9th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2001. 785 pp. ISBN 0‑13‑029368‑7.
Please provide a detailed identification of the author after the list of literature: first and last name, workplace, workplace address, telephone numbers, fax, e-mail.
Range: 4-8 A4 pages (including images, graphs, bibliography, and detailed author identification).
Contributions to e-mail vrabcovap@fld.czu.cz and lenka.rencova@mzp.cz